Crypto Forecasting
🚀 Big Thrills
Onyx's Prediction is brings big thrills to decentralized prediction market on Arbitrum. Currently able to forecast in $ETH but will be able to forecast in $ARB.
Predict whether ARB or ETH price will rise or fall – guess correctly to win!
It's easy to take part:
Predict if the price of ARBUSD or ETHBUSD will be higher or lower than it was when the “LIVE” phase starts.
If you enter an “UP” position, and the “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5/10 minute LIVE phase, you WIN! And if it’s lower, you lose.
If you enter a “DOWN” position, and the “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5/10 minute LIVE phase, you LOSE! If it’s lower, you win.
⏳ Timing
The frequency at which prediction markets update their prices can vary depending on the platform and market being traded. For instance, some markets, such as ARB, may update prices every 5 minutes, while others, like ETH, may update prices every 10 minutes. This timing difference can have an impact on market liquidity and participants' ability to make informed trading decisions.
⏰ Prompt Insights
Streak - The bot monitors a specific token's prediction market for consecutive up or down movements. When there are 5 or more consecutive up or down's, the bot sends a message to the channel notifying traders of the streak.
Odds - Additionally, if the odds are 3x or greater for one direction of the market, the bot sends a message to the channel notifying traders of the favorable odds.
Overall, the prediction market bot is designed to provide timely updates and alerts to traders in a prediction market, encouraging them to make predictions and potentially profit from their insights.
Last updated